Statistics = individual lives

By Children Rising | August 18, 2011

A new system for tracking students has helped California accrue its most accurate data about graduation rates. The statistics reveal that 37% of students enrolled in Oakland’s public high schools have dropped out. The percentage soars to over 50% for black and Latino students.
In response to these dismal statistics, OUSD is focusing on chronically truant students and building more cultural awareness. A somewhat counter-intuitive strategy is adopting more stringent requirements for graduation. These requirements–that will be effective this fall–will hopefully challenge high school students so that they will want to stay in school rather than drop out because of a general lack of expectation.
For more information, read these two articles: one from the San Jose Mercury and one from the San Francisco Chronicle.

If you would like to make a difference, please read through our volunteer opportunities and contact the office to learn more about what you can do. The numbers may be daunting, but each of us has within the ability to come alongside an individual and bring hope. Policies and systems can be shaped by statistics, but it is up to caring individuals to affect lives through compassionate action. At Children Rising, we would like to see Oakland’s graduation rates go up, but our first priority is being a constructive part of our children’s growing up.

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