Growing Hunger in the Bay Area

By Children Rising | October 13, 2011

The New York Times recently published an article about the growing demand for food in Alameda County. The article mentioned the Alameda County Community Food Bank (ACCFB), one of Children Rising’s direct partners: “In September, the Alameda County Community Food Bank received 3,770 calls to its emergency food helpline — the highest volume of calls to date.”

Many schools in Oakland have increased their nutritional programs, and now 90 schools offer free breakfast to all students. Some even allot some class time so that all students can eat together. A handful of after school programs will begin offering dinner to students who stay after school.

The goal is to give students the option of nutritious food–fresh fruit, juice, milk, bread, etc.–so that they can focus in the classroom. Children Rising volunteers help the ACCFB bag weekend food for families so that children will be well-fed and ready to learn on Mondays.

There is no way that a single organization can meet the growing nutritional needs of Oakland’s students and families. Please read the article to learn more about other organizations that are trying to meet the need for free food in Alameda County. Also, please click here to learn how you can be a part of Children Rising’s partnership with the ACCFB.

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