School Closures: Where the Students are Going

By Children Rising | April 12, 2012

Oakland Unified School District has released some interesting maps that show where students will go for the 2012-2013 school year when their schools close.
The maps show Lakeview, Lazear, Marshall, Maxwell Park, and Santa Fe elementary’s redistribution of students. They also show the difference in API scores between the closing school and the schools that students will be attending next year. Another chart shows how the district did their best to respect the placement wishes of the families of these students in transition.
Looking at the data, it appears as though choices were mostly made based on proximity to the closing schools. The schools that will be receiving the most students will be Burckhalter and Grass Valley elementary with 88 and 75 new students each, respectively.
These are two schools within our network, so with the growing student body at each one, Children Rising will be more aware of and responsive to the schools’ changing needs.

Please take a look at the maps here.

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