It is Here: The End of the School Year

By Children Rising | May 10, 2012

Somehow the end of the year manages to always take us by surprise here at Children Rising. Here are a few indicators that the school year is drawing to a close:

  • Students tackle STAR testing which coincides with Science Horizons kids coming back from camp, ready to apply their knowledge.
  • Our annual fundraiser–which we spend months planning–is suddenly a week-and-a-half away, and the office is buzzing with gala details.
  • The Succeeding by Reading students prepare for their evaluations while we prepare the certificates and summer book bags to celebrate their achievements and encourage leisure reading.
  • We start designing and printing teacher appreciation invitations to thank our teachers for their devotion and send them off for a well-deserved break.
  • Randy delivers bikes to students that have the best attendance in their entire school.

We are using our longer, warmer days to support our teachers, fund-raise and friend-raise, and celebrate how far our students have come!

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