Perspectives — You Can Become a Fantastic Tutor Too!
By Jim Wambach | January 26, 2023
Volunteer Today and You Will Uplift An Eager-to-learn Child
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”—Dr. Seuss
Thank you, Children Rising tutors! You care an awful lot!

Your gifts enable tutors and children to work together, side by side, so that they may rise to their God-given potential.
This year, it became clear the COVID pandemic has devastatingly stalled and eroded children’s academic skills. The children most impacted—elementary school children of color—are the very children Children Rising serves!
Many did not finish their first year of kindergarten due to COVID. Those children are now third-graders who are as much as three grade levels behind in their reading and math skills. Others were in second grade when COVID hit. They are now fifth-graders who are also as much as three grade levels behind in their reading and math. What makes it worse is they will be transitioning to middle school next year as some of the most poorly prepared students ever to do so.
Will you complete HER Circle of Care?
Through one-on-one reading and math tutoring, and family support, you will nurture an eager child in a circle of care so they may succeed in school.
Will you complete HER Circle of Care?
Through one-on-one reading and math tutoring, and family support, you will nurture an eager child in a circle of care so they may succeed in school.
They are all smart, eager-to-learn kids who have become greatly discouraged and lost confidence in their abilities. However, they all thrive on focused attention and a little TLC.

You’ll smile and do a fist bump when you see your eager student learn reading and math skills. Become a tutor today!
Become a tutor
One caring adult can make a difference in a child’s life by providing one-on-one math or reading tutoring for a young girl or boy—and caring enough to show up every week. It’s like pouring water on a wilted flower—the flower quickly rises up to face the sun of hope.
So far this year, 83 additional community members have become Children Rising math and reading tutors. They joined with 80 other community members who were already Children Rising tutors. Together they are selflessly pouring their attention onto 300 children who will now have a more fair chance of reclaiming hope and rising to their God-given potential.
Thank you to all Children Rising volunteers. You are special and make an essential difference in our children’s lives here in Oakland!
It’s not too late for YOU to become a tutor. Volunteer today, and you will give a child the one-on-one care they need to rise to their God-given potential.
I want to learn more about online reading or math clinics to see if tutoring is right for me!
I want to help fund Children Rising tutoring and mentoring programs to empower more children this year!