
UNESCO International Literacy Day: Empowering Futures and the Crucial Role of Third-Grade Reading Proficiency

By Eric Steckel
August 30, 2023

A Global Social Justice Initiative
Indonesian Boy Reading

September 8th, the world celebrates UNESCO International Literacy Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of literacy as a fundamental human right. (Photo by Rendy Novantino on Unsplash)

Every year, on September 8th, the world celebrates UNESCO International Literacy Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of literacy as a fundamental human right and a stepping stone towards personal and societal development. This day reminds us of the transformative power of reading and emphasizes the critical role it plays in shaping the lives of individuals, particularly children.

“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” – Frederick Douglass

As elementary schoolchildren in the United States and across the globe struggle to recover academically, one crucial aspect of literacy, often underestimated, is the ability of children to read proficiently by the end of third grade. This milestone carries profound implications for their academic and lifelong success. Indeed, third-grade reading proficiency is a critical goal in shaping a brighter future for our children. In low- and middle-income countries, the share of 10-year-old children who could not read and understand a simple text with comprehension has increased from 57% in 2019 to an estimated 70% in 2022. Closer to home, 75-80% of the second-graders in Title 1 schools in Oakland Unified School District schools Children Rising serves are two or more grade levels behind in reading.

Will you complete HER Circle of Care?

Through one-on-one reading and math tutoring, and family support, you will nurture an eager child in a circle of care so they may succeed in school.

UNESCO’s International Literacy Day, observed annually since 1967, highlights the importance of literacy as a fundamental human right and a foundation for learning. This year’s theme is “Promoting literacy for a world in transition: Building the foundation for sustainable and peaceful societies.” The day serves as a platform to celebrate the progress made in literacy rates across the globe while also acknowledging the challenges that still persist. According to UNESCO, over 773 million adults and young people worldwide lack basic literacy skills. This staggering statistic underscores the urgent need to address literacy disparities to ensure equitable access to education and opportunities for all.

The Importance of Third-Grade Reading Proficiency

The significance of children’s literacy by the end of third grade cannot be overstated. Numerous studies have shown that achieving reading proficiency by the end of third grade is a critical milestone in a child’s education journey. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recognizes literacy as a foundation for lifelong learning and a key driver for sustainable development. Their research suggests that literacy is not merely a basic skill but an essential tool for personal growth, community engagement, and effective citizenship. It opens doors to economic opportunities, improves health outcomes, and fosters a sense of empowerment among individuals, especially those from marginalized backgrounds.

Indian Girl looking up, book in lap - UNESCO International Literacy Day

UNESCO International Literacy Day serves as a global reminder of the transformative power of literacy—and the profound impact of achieving reading proficiency by the end of third grade. (Image by AkshayaPatra Foundation from Pixabay)

A closer look at the statistics reinforces the urgency of ensuring children are proficient readers by the end of third grade. Research conducted by The Anne E. Casey Foundation’s 2010 Early Warning report revealed that a student’s ability to read proficiently by the end of third grade is a strong predictor of future academic success and high school graduation rates. The implications of not achieving this milestone are sobering; students who struggle with reading by third grade are more likely to fall behind in other subjects and face a higher risk of dropping out of school.

This early warning sign highlights the interconnectedness of reading proficiency and academic success. The foundation’s research emphasizes the need for targeted interventions and support during the crucial early years to prevent later challenges.

From “learning to read” to “reading to learn.”

Third grade marks the transition from “learning to read” to “reading to learn.” Beyond third grade, students shift from acquiring basic reading skills to utilizing those skills to access and comprehend complex information across various subjects. A study released by Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago further supports this claim with data indicating that students who struggle with reading in early grades continue to face difficulties in later years. The Chapin Hall report underscores that students who are not reading proficiently by fourth grade are at a significant disadvantage across all subjects. As academic content becomes more complex, the ability to read fluently and comprehend deeply becomes essential for absorbing information and participating effectively in classroom discussions.

Girl looking serious at work - UNESCO International Literacy Day

Third grade marks the transition from “learning to read” to “reading to learn.”

To address this educational challenge, interventions that focus on early literacy development are crucial. Organizations like Children Rising work tirelessly to provide resources, support, and mentorship to children in Oakland’s lowest-income neighborhoods, aiming to bridge the gap in reading proficiency and set them on a path to success. By identifying struggling readers and implementing targeted interventions, children develop the skills they need to thrive academically and beyond.

The transformative power of literacy

UNESCO International Literacy Day serves as a global reminder of the transformative power of literacy. As we celebrate this day, it’s imperative to recognize the profound impact of achieving reading proficiency by the end of third grade. Investing in children’s literacy—especially in neighborhoods most impacted by generations of poverty, violence, and educational inequity—is an investment in the future of individuals and our community as a whole.

As the adage goes, education is the great equalizer, and ensuring that every child has the opportunity to become a proficient reader sets the stage for a more equitable and prosperous world. It requires collaborative efforts from educators, parents, policymakers, and communities to create an environment that nurtures and supports early reading development. By ensuring that all children have access to quality education and early interventions, we can pave the way for a brighter, more equitable future.

As parents, educators, and advocates, let us join hands on International Literacy Day and beyond to champion the cause of literacy and ensure that every child has the opportunity to read, learn, and succeed in school and life. By prioritizing early reading proficiency, we take a crucial step toward nurturing generations of informed, empowered, and capable individuals who can shape a better world for us all.

Yes, I can empower a child to become a lifelong learner.

 I want to learn more about online reading or math clinics to see if in-school tutoring is right for me!

I want to help fund Children Rising tutoring and mentoring programs to empower more children this year!

Perspectives — Navigating the Post-COVID Education Landscape

By Jim Wambach
August 22, 2023

A Call for Support in Oakland’s Elementary Schools
“It is not more bigness that should be our goal. We must attempt, rather, to bring people back to the warmth of community, to the worth of individual effort and responsibility, and of individuals working together as a community, to better their lives and their children’s future.” – Robert F. Kennedy
Tutors enable children to recover in the Post-COVID Education Landscape.

Your support of summer tutoring empowers eager children to overcome COVID-related learning loss and rise to their God-given potential.

The world has changed significantly since the COVID-19 pandemic, and unprecedented challenges remain. As the World Health Organization (WHO) declared an end to the global Public Health Emergency of COVID-19, we must acknowledge that the impact on children, parents, and educators lingers, particularly in elementary public schools serving the poorest neighborhoods of Oakland.

The effects have been profound

Many children find themselves significantly behind, performing at pre-kindergarten or kindergarten levels when they should be in second or third grade. Learning challenges have become more prevalent, exacerbated by chronic absenteeism, reduced self-confidence, and growing levels of frustration and discouragement.

Will you complete HER Circle of Care?

Through one-on-one reading and math tutoring, and family support, you will nurture an eager child in a circle of care so they may succeed in school.

Parents, too, are struggling. Unaware of the extent of their children’s learning gaps, they desperately seek ways to support their children’s education. Sadly, many fear for their children’s future.

Meanwhile, educators bear a tremendous burden of teaching advanced material to underprepared students. They struggle to teach second and third-grade material to students who are not academically prepared. They are doing their best to bridge the gaps and uplift their students, but they need more support than ever before.

Addressing the challenges our students face

Children Rising has always been high-touch, focusing on building strong connections with students, families, and educators. It’s crucial to intensify our efforts. We have implemented various program enhancements, including more weekly tutoring, homework tutoring, family coaching, and summer tutoring.

Post-COVID Education

One-on-one tutors enable children to recover from unfinished learning.

We can’t do it alone. The time is now for the community to unite and support our children, families, and educators. We must act promptly to put the academic side effects of the pandemic behind us, building renewed hope and optimism in the children and their parents.

Join us in coming alongside our precious neighborhood children by volunteering or making a financial contribution. Together, we will create a brighter future for the children of Oakland, ensuring they have a fair opportunity to succeed in school … and in life. Let’s act today for a stronger, more prosperous Oakland.

Yes, I can empower a child to become a lifelong learner.

 I want to learn more about online reading or math clinics to see if in-school tutoring is right for me!

I want to help fund Children Rising tutoring and mentoring programs to empower more children this year!

Children Rising Receives $2,500 Grant from Oakland A’s Community Fund

By Chelsea Boniak
August 18, 2023

Grant will provide up to 25 children with a one-on-one tutor this year
Oakland A's Community Fund Grant

The A’s are committed to the health, vitality, and happiness of our community, enriching the East Bay area through sports and civic service.

Children Rising is grateful to the Oakland A’s Community Fund for the $2,500 grant to support our Neighborhood Boost Project in Oakland’s community schools. This grant will provide 20 more second-grade children living in our lowest-income neighborhoods with their own reading tutor for the year. We are so honored and thankful to receive this funding. Support from amazing local corporations, foundations, and sports teams enables children and youth in our community to rise above their challenges to become lifelong learners.

The A’s are committed to the health, vitality, and happiness of our community, enriching the East Bay area through sports and civic service. Through educational programs, youth sports initiatives, and various volunteer efforts, the A’s are committed to making the community more equitable and inclusive.

Neighborhood Boost Project

The Neighborhood Boost Project is designed to surround a child with the academic support they need to catch up to grade-level reading and math skills. As a result, they can become a confident, engaged student. It comprises three targeted support services for school children.

Will you complete HER Circle of Care?

Through one-on-one reading and math tutoring, and family support, you will nurture an eager child in a circle of care so they may succeed in school.

Succeeding by Reading and Path2Math build second and third-grade students’ foundational literacy and math skills through interventional one-on-one tutoring. FamilyBridge bridges the learning gap between school and home, providing both one-on-one after-school homework tutoring and family coaching for improved in-home learning. Our focus on neighborhood schools most impacted by poverty, violence, and educational inequity nurtures children who typically face multiple educational obstacles.

“We are committed to enriching our community’s health, vitality, and happiness through sports and civic service with inspiring partners like (Children Rising).” – Stephanie Gaywood, A’s Sr. Director, Community Engagement and Community Fund.

Additionally, Children Rising provides an opportunity for Oakland residents to give back and invest in future generations. Since Children Rising was founded in 2001, our programs have provided opportunities for thousands of caring community members to work together for Oakland’s overall health, welfare, and prosperity.

The Oakland A’s Community Fund

Thank you to The Oakland A’s Community Fund for supporting children and youth in the community. Your support empowers children to succeed in school … and in life.

“We are committed to enriching our community’s health, vitality, and happiness through sports and civic service with inspiring partners like you,” said Stephanie Gaywood, Sr. Director, Community Engagement and Community Fund.

In order to honor the award, the A’s are celebrating Children Rising during their game against the Baltimore Orioles on Saturday, April 19th. Staff members, board members, volunteers, and children in our program have been invited to celebrate with us.

Thank you to The Oakland A’s Community Fund for supporting children and youth in the community. Your support empowers children to succeed in school … and in life.

Yes, I can empower a child to become a lifelong learner.

 I want to learn more about online reading or math clinics to see if in-school tutoring is right for me!

I want to help fund Children Rising tutoring and mentoring programs to empower more children this year!

Homework Tutoring: Tailored After-School Support

By Eric Steckel
August 17, 2023

Your gifts provide a learning bridge between school and home
Homework tutoring provides learning bridge between school and home.

Your support of FamilyBridge homework tutoring provides children with one-on-one support to complete material beyond their current learning level.

Children Rising launched a Homework Tutoring program to support children and families in our tutoring programs. Designed as a pilot program in partnership with Bay Area Community Resources (BACR), it promises to become a crucial part of FamilyBridge after-school support in the schools we serve.

Audrey Amos, a Path2Math tutor and retired second-grade teacher and school administrator, coordinated the Sankofa United Elementary School clinic. Her experience proved invaluable in fostering a strong “triangle synergy” among students, tutors, and teachers.

Will you complete HER Circle of Care?

Through one-on-one reading and math tutoring, and family support, you will nurture an eager child in a circle of care so they may succeed in school.

“I know how important it is to have the connection between the afterschool program, the tutors, and the teacher—a triangle synergy—to help the students,” she said. The program provided many children a focused and supportive environment to complete their homework.

“We try to help them understand by reteaching what they were unable to learn before so they can do the assignment at hand.”

Audrey acknowledged that many students faced significant obstacles, including homework assignments that surpassed their current level. They required more time and personalized attention. “We try to help them understand by reteaching what they were unable to learn before so they can do the assignment at hand.”

One child from the program stood out. She struggled with her assignments and became disruptive, likely an effort to hide her difficulties. Audrey recognized the need for individualized support and had her work one-on-one with a tutor away from her peers. This change fostered a more positive learning experience for the student.

The overall impact on students and families was transformative.

One day towards the end of the year highlights the kids’ progress.

Homework tutoring provides children with one-on-one support.

Your gifts provided children with more time and personalized attention. “We try to help them understand by reteaching what they were unable to learn before so they can do the assignment at hand.”

“We actually had five or six kids come through. I looked around the room; we had about four tutors, and one tutor had two kids. Everyone was engaged, kids were responsive and focused. Then one student who had been there an hour working with her tutor said, ‘I can’t leave yet; I want to stay and finish my homework.’ That was really special.”

Homework tutoring demonstrates the power of one-on-one, individualized learning. It provides struggling students a bridge between school and home and a lifeline for students and families who need additional help and encouragement on their academic journey. Expanding such initiatives creates a more inclusive and effective support system that genuinely caters to the diverse needs of every child.

Your investment of two hours a week as a homework tutor will be the bridge a child needs between school and home Learn how you can be a volunteer today!

Yes, I can empower a child to become a lifelong learner.

 I want to learn more about online reading or math clinics to see if in-school tutoring is right for me!

I want to help fund Children Rising tutoring and mentoring programs to empower more children this year!

Marcello Excelled in Math Thanks to His Bilingual Tutor

By Guest Blogger
August 15, 2023

Guest Blog Post by Patrick Reardon, Path2Math Tutor

Your Gifts Enabled a Child to Gain Confidence in the Classroom
Marcello excelled in math due to his bilingual tutor.

You enabled Marcello to work with a bilingual math tutor this year. He has gained confidence in English, is much more social with the other children, and improved significantly in math.

Last fall, I returned home to the Bay Area for a year’s sabbatical and was eager to work with children in the community. As a bilingual speaker, I asked for students with Spanish as their primary language. I quickly took an interest in a second-grader named Marcello*.

When we first met, Marcello displayed the same apprehension that many students in South America first had when meeting me. This quickly changed when I switched to speaking Spanish after we ran into barriers in both math and English.

Will you complete HER Circle of Care?

Through one-on-one reading and math tutoring, and family support, you will nurture an eager child in a circle of care so they may succeed in school.

“Marcello has gained more verbal confidence in English and is much more social with the other children. That is sure to carry into his participation in the classroom.”

Marcello was very quiet when we started working together last September, so it has been very rewarding moving from exchanges primarily in Spanish to now mostly English. He started the year at just a first-grade level. When the school year closed, Marcello had advanced one and a half grade levels, just shy of grade level.

“Marcello has gained more verbal confidence in English and is much more social with the other children. That is sure to carry into his participation in the classroom.”

Just as importantly, Marcello has gained more verbal confidence in English and is much more social with the other children. That is sure to carry into his participation in the classroom.

I am proud to see the progress he has made, not just in mathematics but also in language learning and socialization. It is gratifying to know that Marcello will benefit and become bilingual himself.

It only takes a short amount of time to make a real difference in the lives of ​our community’s children.​ I feel truly blessed to have the opportunity to serve in this way which energizes the rest of my weekly routine. Learn how you can be a volunteer today!

Yes, I can be a bilingual tutor and empower a child to become a lifelong learner.

 I want to learn more about online reading or math clinics to see if in-school tutoring is right for me!

I want to help fund Children Rising tutoring and mentoring programs to empower more children this year!

August Is National Make-a-Will Month

By Chelsea Boniak
August 11, 2023

Keep Your Love for the Children Alive!

A gift in your will to Children Rising could be the most important charitable gift you ever make! Make a gift today … Your values, your legacy!

You have empowered many struggling children to become lifelong learners by volunteering your time and making enduring gifts. Your passion and care for the children in your community has seen so many of them rise to their God-given potential. Because you care deeply about the kids, I wanted to share another way you can make an enduring impact by creating a will.

You’ve already demonstrated your dedication to children and youth by generously contributing to the work we do for the kids, and we are incredibly grateful for your support. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to consider extending your impact even further by including Children Rising in your will or trust.

A gift in your will could be the most important charitable gift you ever make!

August is National Make-A-Will Month.

It is your opportunity to make a lasting, generational impact in your community. One that reflects your values and uplifts eager children!

Consider this:

  1. Long-Term Impact: Your legacy will continue to provide children and families a fairer chance to succeed in school and life for generations to come. By allocating a portion of your estate to Children Rising, you provide them with the one-on-one, caring support they need to thrive in school.
  2. National Make-A-Will Month is August!

    It’s National Make-A-Will Month … Make a gift that will ensure your passion for the children remains alive and well!

    Your values, your legacy: Estate planning allows you to customize your giving to reflect your personal values and passions. A gift in your will is a way to ensure that your passion for the children remains alive and well!

  3. Tax Benefits: Estate planning can offer potential tax advantages for your heirs while making a lasting, generational impact in your community. It’s a way to optimize your financial planning while continuing to provide children a fairer chance to succeed in school … and in life.
  4. Inspiring Others: Your decision to include Children Rising in your will can inspire others to do the same. Your actions set a powerful example to your family and friends and encourage a culture of philanthropy that transcends generations.
Learn more about making a legacy gift to Children Rising
Make a gift in your will to Children Rising.

Will you make the most important charitable gift of your lifetime? Uplift struggling children in your community for years to come!

We understand that making these decisions requires careful consideration, and we are here to support you every step of the way. If you have any questions or would like more information about including our organization in your estate plans, please reach out to me at (510) 836-5100 or

Thank you once again for your unwavering dedication to education and for considering the profound impact you can make through estate planning. Together, we can ensure a brighter future for the children of Oakland.

Will you make the most important charitable gift of your lifetime? Uplift struggling children in your community for years to come!

 I want to learn more about making a legacy gift in my will to Children Rising!

I want to help fund Children Rising tutoring and mentoring programs to empower more children this year!

Impact of Summer Learning Loss Curbed by Tutors

By Eric Steckel
August 11, 2023

Your support enables children to overcome the Summer Slide
Summer tutoring overcomes summer learning loss.

Your support of summer learning programs in Path2Math and FamilyBridge ensures children return to school with minimal summer learning loss.

Summer learning loss—the summer slide—has impacted students and driven teachers crazy for decades. Many children return to school having lost an entire month of learning in critical subjects like reading and math.

Not all families are affected by summer learning loss equally.

For more affluent families, camps, enrichment programs, and individual tutors can stem the tide of the summer learning loss—at a considerable cost. Unfortunately, many students in Oakland do not have the same opportunities.

“I feel (the children) trying to expand and learn and do better for themselves. As tutors trying to help them, I feel like we will definitely lead them to the best path.”—Jetanii Yancy, Path2Math tutor.

Children in Oakland’s lowest-income neighborhood schools struggle to overcome lost learning due to COVID. Your support enabled us to develop program enhancements to meet the needs of those children and families while also providing unique opportunities for teens in CareerBridge.

Will you complete HER Circle of Care?

Through one-on-one reading and math tutoring, and family support, you will nurture an eager child in a circle of care so they may succeed in school.

This summer Path2Math offered tutoring to 80 students throughout June. CareerBridge intern Jetanii Yancy was one of 40 tutors, working with eight children each week throughout the month.

“All of these kids have things going on—a lot of imagination, energy, and personality. I feel them trying to expand and learn and do better for themselves. As tutors trying to help them, we will definitely lead them to the best path.”

Summer literacy support
Summer literacy support overcomes summer learning loss.

Through your gifts, we distributed Family Literacy POWER Packs to 35 students from seven schools. Children received additional learning support throughout the critical summer months.

During the final weeks of the 2022-2023 school year, we distributed Family Literacy POWER Packs to 35 Succeeding by Reading students from seven schools. These hands-on literacy practice tools gave families a great way to support their child’s learning during the summer.

We invited families to participate in a Family Literacy Exploration Workshop on ZOOM, held twice weekly in June. The workshops featured songs, puzzles, POWER Pack practice activities, storytime, and more!

“Dariel* enjoyed the activities, the different animals he learned about, and how similar words can be, like dog, frog, and hog. We are still working in the orange zone, but he’s getting there,” one happy parent reported.

Your support of Succeeding by Reading, Path2Math, and FamilyBridge ensures children return to school with minimal summer learning loss.

Yes, I can empower a child to become a lifelong learner.

 I want to learn more about online reading or math clinics to see if in-school tutoring is right for me!

I want to help fund Children Rising tutoring and mentoring programs to empower more children this year!

Reading for Life: The Impact of Child Literacy on Health Outcomes

By Eric Steckel
August 10, 2023

Literacy plays a crucial role in shaping physical and mental health
Studies show the connection between literacy and health.

Childhood literacy is not just about learning to read; it is a critical aspect of a child’s overall development that extends far beyond the realm of elementary education.

Childhood literacy is not just about learning to read; it is a critical aspect of a child’s overall development that extends far beyond the realm of elementary education.

Children proficient in reading by the end of third grade are more likely to achieve higher educational outcomes, setting them up for success in adulthood. However, childhood literacy goes far beyond academic achievements and plays a crucial role in shaping an individual’s physical and mental health throughout life. It is a critical component of the “rising” in programs like Succeeding by Reading.

Will you complete HER Circle of Care?

Through one-on-one reading and math tutoring, and family support, you will nurture an eager child in a circle of care so they may succeed in school.

A panel discussion hosted by The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading focused on a recent study released by the Yale Child Study Center–Scholastic Collaborative for Child & Family Resilience titled “Reading for Life: The Impact of Child Literacy on Health Outcomes.” The panel shed light on the profound and lifelong positive physical and mental health outcomes associated with childhood literacy.

Literacy and Physical Health

Studies reveal a significant connection between literacy and physical health, positively impacting our overall well-being. Just 30 minutes of reading a day can lead to measurable improvements in physical health, including reductions in systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate. This finding suggests that engaging in reading regularly may not only enrich our minds but also contribute to a healthier body.

“Childhood literacy goes far beyond academic achievements and plays a crucial role in shaping an individual’s physical and mental health throughout life.”

Linda Mayes, a professor at the Yale Child Study Center, emphasized that individuals with higher reading skills are likelier to experience better health outcomes, regardless of whether they hold a high school degree. On the other hand, lower literacy rates during high school have been associated with long-term health issues, including aggressive behaviors, substance use, and sexually transmitted infections, that can set individuals on a chronic poor health trajectory during adolescence and adulthood.

Literacy and health - pediatricians recognize the two go hand in hand.

Pediatricians increasingly recognize the significant impact of literacy on overall health. By integrating literacy assessments into health screenings, they are treating literacy as a preventative measure.

Lee Beers, professor of pediatrics and child health advocate at Children’s National Hospital, explained the importance of health literacy, particularly as children grow into adolescents and adults. Literacy plays a crucial role in helping individuals understand their health and healthcare needs throughout their lives. This understanding is vital for making informed decisions about their well-being and engaging effectively with healthcare providers.

Pediatricians increasingly recognize the significant impact of literacy on overall health. By integrating literacy assessments into health screenings, they are treating literacy as a preventative measure. Identifying potential literacy challenges at an early stage allows for timely intervention, collaboration with schools, and addressing any barriers that might hinder a child’s learning journey.

Understanding how health-related issues impact literacy

Conversely, Ms. Beers shed light on the link between physical disconnectedness due to health risks and its impact on mental health. Frequently, pediatricians focus on treating children for illness or physical conditions. However, it’s critical to understand how the treatment impacts the child’s education and learning capability.

Ms. Mayes cited the example of childhood asthma. Suppose the child misses one-third of class days due to asthma-related issues and treatment that impacts their learning ability. Missing learning opportunities and lagging will affect the child’s long-term health. More and more, pediatricians are better able to take these considerations into account when treating a child.

The Pandemic, Mental Health, and Bibliotherapy

Recently, mental health issues have become a pressing concern, with loneliness and feelings of disconnectedness on the rise. Children struggling with reading frequently face higher rates of anxiety and depression. Unfortunately, 80% of kids with mental health needs do not have access to proper care. Bibliotherapy, the use of literature and books to address mental health issues, has emerged as a powerful alternative intervention.

“Implementing bibliotherapy may be as effective as cognitive behavioral therapy for children who have anxiety disorders.”—Linda Mayes, professor at the Yale Child Study Center

Ms. Mayes pointed out, “Implementing bibliotherapy may be as effective as cognitive behavioral therapy for children who have anxiety disorders.” Since access to mental health care remains limited for many children, integrating literacy as a part of health care becomes essential.

Social-emotional learning, literacy, and mental health

Social-emotional learning plays a pivotal role in the relationship between literacy and mental health. David Adams, CEO of Urban Assembly, pointed out that the development of social-emotional skills is closely tied to language development. In classroom settings, teachers who provide high amounts of emotional support, display sensitivity to students’ cues, and cater to their individual needs in the moment, create an environment conducive to learning and growth. Children with higher rates of reading difficulties benefit significantly from this support, as it contributes to their overall literacy development.

Social-emotional learning contributes to improved literacy and health.

By embracing literacy and social-emotional learning, we create spaces and relationships where children can thrive mentally, emotionally, and academically.

As we recognize the relationship between literacy and mental health, it becomes clear that promoting literacy goes beyond academic achievements. It becomes a vital component of fostering well-rounded individuals with strong social and emotional foundations. By embracing literacy and social-emotional learning, we create spaces and relationships where children can thrive mentally, emotionally, and academically.

Empowering Vulnerable Families and Improving Parenting Skills

Empowering vulnerable families and improving parenting skills are essential components of fostering childhood literacy. It is crucial to recognize parents as individuals developing their parenting abilities. Forming a partnership with them is critical in understanding their needs and providing effective support.

Black Mother Reading to Child

Programs like Children Rising’s Succeeding by Reading and FamilyBridge play a crucial role in promoting childhood literacy and overall well-being, bridging the gap between education, health, and communities.

“Parents are developing as parents just as their children are developing as human beings,” Ms. Mayes said. “Ask a parent, ‘What kind of parent would you like to be? What would you like to do with your child? Who do you want to be as you develop as a parent.’ Once you get that, what you hear, is what they want and what they feel they need help with.” It is another instance where the relationship is critical.

Programs like Children Rising’s Succeeding by Reading and FamilyBridge play a crucial role in promoting childhood literacy and overall well-being, bridging the gap between education, health, and communities.“The importance of providing parents and caregivers the time and space to enhance and build their skills has been a focus of FamilyBridge since the beginning. Parent Enrichment Workshops and Skill Building Classes will be a priority moving forward,” said Tai Dillard, FamilyBridge program director.

By recognizing the value of literacy as an integral part of a child’s health, we can create a brighter future for the next generation.

It’s not too late for YOU to be a tutor. Volunteer today, and you will give a child the one-on-one care they need to rise to their God-given potential.

Yes, I can empower a child to become a lifelong learner.

 I want to learn more about online reading or math clinics to see if in-school tutoring is right for me!

I want to help fund Children Rising tutoring and mentoring programs to empower more children this year!

Let’s Go Back to School with Oakland Kids!

By Eric Steckel
August 4, 2023

Come alongside our precious neighborhood children this school year
Poolside in the Summer

Children are back to school on Monday after the summer break. Many students suffer from summer learning loss—up to a month of critical learning loss in reading and math.

It’s that time again to send the kiddos back to school. If it seems like back to school has come earlier and earlier here in Oakland, you would be correct.

Ashley McBride of the Oaklandside wrote about Oakland Unified School District’s earlier-than-normal start to school each summer. While it may not be popular with kids and parents, especially when it comes to planning for summer vacations, there are some very good reasons OUSD made the change, which include a schedule that allows students to complete fall work before the winter break, and more time for dual-enrollment students to enroll in classes. Sometimes the popular choice isn’t the best choice!

Will you complete HER Circle of Care?

Through one-on-one reading and math tutoring, and family support, you will nurture an eager child in a circle of care so they may succeed in school.

While that may not placate families who just want to enjoy a few more days of summer together, we are excited to get back to tutoring the children. It’s been a busy summer. Teams have been preparing materials; program directors have been working on program enhancements; and children and tutors have been working on reading and math skills so they will return to school ready to learn!

Summer Literacy Elves

You helped our programs prepare for the upcoming school year so that children can come back to school with wind beneath their wings.

All of this preparation has us eager to roll our sleeves up with you once again.

If you are interested in becoming a tutor this year, there’s never been a better time!

For so many children in Oakland, tutoring is about more than getting good grades—though that’s certainly admirable.

For many children and families, tutoring is about a healthy future, a prosperous community, and public safety. It’s about the opportunity to learn at grade level and grow in their ability to realize their God-given potential.

“For many children and families, tutoring is about a healthy future, a prosperous community, and public safety. It’s about the opportunity to learn at grade level and grow in their ability to realize their God-given potential.”

It’s about the ability of the broader community to proactively improve the future of Oakland, one precious child at a time.

Children Rising has many opportunities for you to support an eager-to-learn child in our community schools.
Succeeding by Reading Tutor

One-on-one time, two hours a week, will empower determined second-grade children to rise to their potential. We provide training, support, guidance, and all of the tools required for you to succeed each week. You will be paired with a child that accommodates your schedule. Our step-by-step program makes it simple for you to inspire them along their journey to reading. It’s almost certain you will be inspired along the way as you work alongside other volunteers and these amazing children. Time Commitment: 2 hours once a week, M-F during school hours.

Path2Math Tutor
Eric with Summer Student

For so many children in Oakland, tutoring is about more than getting good grades—tutoring is about a healthy future, a prosperous community, and public safety.

Just two hours of one-on-one time per week during school can empower two aspiring second-grade students to learn basic math concepts, develop critical reasoning skills, and grow in confidence as the world of numbers starts to make sense. There are both in-person and online opportunities. We provide training, support, guidance, and all of the tools required for you to succeed each week. We pair you with each child and offer the most convenient school and time slot to accommodate your schedule. You may find that the time spent with eager students and fellow volunteers is the highlight of your week! Time Commitment: 2 hours once a week, M-F during school hours.

FamilyBridge Homework Tutor

Many parents and caregivers struggle to have enough time after work to provide their children with critical homework support at home. You can assist these families by providing one-on-one homework tutoring for the students in our reading and math programs. Homework tutoring is provided during the structured after-school programming that virtually all of the children in our reading and math programs attend. Tutoring opportunities are in-person, after school, at two of our clinic sites. Time Commitment: 2 hours once a week, M-Th between the hours of 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

You are invited to join us in going back to school! Come alongside our precious neighborhood children by volunteering or making a financial contribution. Together, we will create a brighter, safer, more prosperous future for the children of Oakland, ensuring they have a fair opportunity to succeed in school … and in life.

Let’s act today and send our kids back to school with wind beneath their wings!

It’s not too late for YOU to be a tutor. Volunteer today, and you will give a child the one-on-one care they need to rise to their God-given potential.

Yes, I can empower a child to become a lifelong learner.

 I want to learn more about online reading or math clinics to see if in-school tutoring is right for me!

I want to help fund Children Rising tutoring and mentoring programs to empower more children this year!

I'm Interested in Volunteering and would like more information
